Today we’re bombarded by information, accosted by others vying for our attention, and pulled off course by the constant distractions of technology.

Taking the time to focus on a single image, a static moment in time is more important than ever before because it allows the viewer to stop, take a moment for themselves and escape to a different place.


—Michael Hubbard



One of my favorite aspects of photography is the opportunity to roam about and observe how people go about their lives. Everyone has a story. Everyone has their own stuff going on. I like to capture moments that make you wonder what’s happening right now? What’s going through a person’s mind as they sit on a bench deep in thought? The best part is, you’ll never know, but you can still look for clues. You're free to think and develop your own narrative and create your own scenario.


Travel is a gift and a privilege. To me, it’s worth more than any physical possession because life is all about experiences. And “stuff” is just…”stuff." It doesn’t last.

To carry a camera, explore new places and capture what you see is the coolest thing ever! Memories fade as you move on to new experiences. But the instant you see an image you've captured, it transports you right back to that past experience.

The opportunity to share some of the images that I’ve captured while exploring this planet is very special to me, and I hope you enjoy what you see here!


Yeah…. things.

Honestly, I couldn’t think of a better way to describe some of the more abstract or unusual images I’ve captured over the years. I like to share images that are pleasing to the eye. Maybe they're fun to look at. Maybe they make you think.